Friday, February 11, 2011

Hideeni and The Mayor

Okay , I'm sorry for being angry but today The Mayor and Hideeni was both making me mad, everyplace I went they were after me so first the Mayor gifted me a  Valentine Chocolate Mayor that's a chocolate statue of himself holding a heart, he was in love in that statue so much he didn't allow me to eat it! at least I can put it on my beach and let it melt, hopefully he won't come back and he will learn his lesson about what happen if you are cheating on your wife. 

Momo next to the Valentine Chocolate Mayor

Now Hideeni, he never stops to gift as you know.... today I finally found the source of the new roses in Pet Society it was Hideeni - of course , how didn't I thought about that before! he was obviously stalking me the first day I came to town but now that I have twelve roses he gave me the Yellow Duckling Costume which it's a very cute costume but I wish hiddeni were putting a heart on the yellow version too? , It's Valentine after all.

Momo wearing the Yellow Duckling Costume next to the twelve roses

And again Playfish surprise us with a new feature called the Pets Town, the whole thing is really blurred and we can't really know what the feature is, all I know is that there is a new feature and it coming up soon. You can read more about it by clicking here.

Logo of Pets Town from the Pet Society Blog


  1. I wonder what Pets Town is going to be like. It might be a Petling version of Pet Society?

  2. Answer to the comment to the: post welcome to my blog.

    Really!?What kind of designs can you make?And thank you so much if you can help me. :D

  3. @Greykitten,

    I thought it would be an online place, where all of our pets can chat, and see each other when clicking an other pet you can visit her/him and if you really enjoy him you can add him to your facebook.


    Well I usually design by my head, people give me a job or I open a shop (like a poo pet shop, which I make pets into poo) if you give me a job like a bump or a logo I simply use your pet but make a really nice logo by my head.

  4. @Speedy

    Maybe that idea would work too. :) I wonder what is all that animals on the logo for?

  5. ... I was wondering the same thing, think I saw them before on some place like that monkey he could really be a Petling (which there is one).

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Greykitten I used the @Greykitten just to let you know to who I Write the follow so you can skip into the place you like to.
